“I will trade you a basket for that garlic aioli.” I said with conviction. “Done!” said the woman next to a row of promising jars. This month’s Backyard Barter fair was held at the Ballard library and featured a range of delicious and interesting things to trade; tangy pickled brussel sprouts, Elaine Corets’ quince paste, nutty chocolate cookies, strawberry starts, fresh multicolored eggs and cocktail additions from Beth of Mama Know Her Cocktails fame.
The first hour is spent looking over everyone’s wares and negotiating trades then the second hour is when the fun really begins and the bartering heats up and gets going.
Returning home my family and I had a feast with fresh sandwiches with an aoli spread, salad with pickled beets, canned Asian pears and of course, nutty chocolate cookies.
The next fair is on Sunday, April 13th from 11:00 to 1:00 pm and will be held in south Seattle at Second Use.
Thank you for writing this! We have such fun with the barters and it’s exciting to see the group grow and grow. Such wonderful diversity of products to trade.