
Archive for the ‘Cooking’ Category

Here’s one from the archives! I went out in the garden last night and found several tomatoes, a couple of handfuls of beans, a small zucchini, kale and Italian parsley.  The chickens are all back laying in full force so we had plenty of eggs too.  Time to make pasta primavera! Wash and prepare your […]

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Fermented Dill Pickles

Making great pickles is easy! Here’s what you need: Kosher or pickling salt A few grape leaves for crunchy pickles. Fresh cucumbers with the blossom end cut off to prevent softening. Garlic Dill Pack grape leaves, cucumbers, dill and garlic into clean jars and cover with brine solution. Brine solution is made by dissolving 2 […]

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Carmelite Water

Here’s a soothing tonic for stressful times. Carmelite Water or Eau de Mélisse, has been used since the Middle Ages to settle nerves. Here’s how to make a simplified version using readily available ingredients: Two cups white wine One cup lemon balm leaves Zest of one lemon 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

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With the warm weather all the fruit is coming in strong! In fact there’s so much it’s time to start canning and jamming. Friends have been telling me about the virtues of Pomona Pectin for quite a while. I recently got some from PCC, and now I’m hooked. Because it doesn’t require sugar to jell, […]

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Plant Prints

To imprint fabric with leaves and flowers place the plant material on your material, cover with a second layer and pound with a hammer. Let dry then flake off dried plants.

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Plant Dyes

How do you know if a plant might make a good dye? Rub it between your fingers and see if it stains. If it does give it a try! To help the dye “bite” the yarn or fabric you need to use a mordant. Pickling alum is one I like to use; easy to find […]

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Now that you have dried herbs making your own blends is easy! These make great gifts as well as stepping up the flavor of your own dishes. Lavender Here are some of my favorite blends: Herbes de Provence Herbes de Provence usually contains basil, bay leaf, marjoram, rosemary, summer savory and lots of thyme. Lavender can […]

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Hawthorn Berry Ketchup

There are lots of things you can do with this versatile berry from ketchup, to syrup to a deep purple dye. First find the berries. As with any gathering be absolutely sure you’ve correctly identified the plant. If you have any doubt don’t use it. Here’s the recipe: One cup washed berries 1/3 cup cider […]

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Summer has been here for a while and the raspberries are ripe and ready!  Turning the berries into jam is an easy, almost magical process that brings back the flavors of summer deep into winter. Of all the jams I make raspberry is by far the one that people like the most. This is great as […]

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Time to Dry Herbs

Drying your own herbs is a great way to spice up your dishes, make nice presents and save money.   The fragrant oils are at their peak around mid-morning so this is a great time to harvest.  If you need to wash them then give a light spray with the hose first thing in the […]

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