I went out in the garden last night and found several tomatoes, a couple of handfuls of beans, a small zucchini, kale and Italian parsley. The chickens are all back laying in full force so we had plenty of eggs too. Time to make pasta primavera!
Wash and prepare your vegetables. Get your pasta making ingredients together: one egg, 2/3 cup flour, one teaspoon olive oil, one tablespoon water and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Mix dry ingredients then add wet. Mix until you get a ball that is moist but not wet. Put on a floured surface and flatten out with your hand. I use a pasta maker to do the final mixing and smoothing. Roll the pasta through until it is smooth and even then run it through the noodle cutting side. You can also roll out and cut the noodles with a knife. Hang the noodles. You can let them dry completely and store in a ziplock bag, use immediately or freeze them.
Lightly stir fry veggies
Drain the noodles, add the vegetables and top with parsley and grated parmesan cheese.
Love this so much! Can’t wait to do this tomorrow! Thank you for the recipe and pictures…taste teste tomorrow . Yummm