The season of wondering what in the world to give people for the holidays is upon us. I really enjoy making people things but it can be a challenge to figure out something that people will actually like. This has not always been something I have been particularly good at; I remember the year everyone got neon potholders then there were the health bars filled with lots and lots of wheat germ and bran. Here are some suggestions of things you can make that have had much better receptions!
Stone necklaces are pretty simple and low cost to make and you can put together a range from demure, made with tiny rocks, to large showy pieces with rocks studded with mica.
If you like to take pictures then note cards can be fun to make also. You can get card making supplies at stores like Paper Source.
Goats milk soap makes great gifts; it is easy to ship and can be made in all different colors and shapes to suit even picky people on your list.
People usually love getting homemade herb blends.

Herb blend picture from Kalyn’s Kitchen.
If you are looking for an attractive way to package your homemade gifts putting them in baskets can be quite attractive. If those baskets are ones you made then all the better!

Baskets can hold other gifts or be a present just by themselves.
Here’s how to make fingerless gloves in a snap! Here’s how to do easy hats.
Probably the most popular gift I give is raspberry jam. This could be a bit challenging to make this time of year but it can be done with frozen berries.

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