The Rainier Valley has a long history of farming and now with the resurgence in interest in local food and access for all to healthy foods this rich bottom land is being cultivated again.
Like an earthy string of pearls these farms are strung along the light rail line; the Seattle Community Farm is nestled next to the Columbia City station, the Beacon Food Forest is up the rise from the Beacon Hill station and the Thistle P-Patch and Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland are to the west and east of the Rainier Beach station.
A project of Solid Ground, The Seattle Community Farm transformed a ½-acre of land into a productive farm that educates, encourages, and increases food security for residents of Southeast Seattle. Residents from the Rainier Vista community and participants from the Rainier Valley Food Bank grow and eat the food produced.
Here’s information on how to get involved:
- Volunteer Work Parties: Tuesdays 9am – 1pm, Thursdays 5 – 8pm, and Saturdays 10am – 2pm, March through November
- For more information please email
The Beacon Food Forest is one of the first permaculture food forest projects in the nation. This 7 acre site is now under construction.
To get involved:
Stay informed is through the Beacon Food Forest facebook page
Join the interest list to let us know you are interested in this P-Patch
The Thistle Street P-patch was started in the mid 1970s and now covers over an acre of land.
“A visit to Thistle is like a tour of the world. Italian tomatoes grow side by side with oriental shizo. Midwestern row gardens adjoin widely broadcast raised beds of greens. Koreans plant next to Vietnamese, Italians, Cambodians — all Americans, now. Seniors garden next to moms with babies on their backs. Thistle is always a beautiful mixture, but early spring is best time to visit, when the black soil, freshly turned, contrasts with the succulent greens.”
- To get involved contact the P-Patch program.
The Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland consists of eight acres in the Rainier Beach neighborhood. The Friends of Rainier Beach provide help with community outreach, fundraising, and volunteer support and Seattle Tilth manages the site, programs and day to day operations.
The long term vision of the farm is to create an urban agriculture education center. This center will provide nutrition and garden education programs, fresh affordable produce, green jobs training and small business incubation while preserving important wetlands.
One of the best ways to get involved is to come to a weekly drop-in work party.
These are:
- Saturdays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.|
Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands
5513 S. Cloverdale Street
Seattle, WA 98118
Get directions
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